Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages to the World
1st March, 1984 to the present day
This beautifully produced perfect-bound book contains over 40 years of messages and is the most comprehensive book ever released on Our Lady's messages to the world from Medjugorje.
To date, 2024, over 1 million priests and 47.2 million people of all faiths have visited Medjugorje to listen and respond to the messages of Our Lady which have led to innumerable conversions world-wide. This book has become an inspiration and great prayer companion for many people who follow and live the messages of Medjugorje.
Included are sections showing when Our Lady mentioned Satan, Heaven, Hell, suffering and the Rosary. These messages reveal to us the importance that Our Lady has placed on these topics and how she wants us to be fully aware of them for our IMMEDIATE spiritual journey.
Features the most comprehensive list of messages from Our Lady to visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti for the world and the complete list of messages to Mirjana Soldo who was instructed to pray for "those who do not know the love of God".
Available from Divine Mercy Publications: < Click here >

Medjugorje-Related Items
There are a large number of other Medjugorje-related items available from Divine Mercy Publications in Australia. They range from books, DVDs, pictures, keyrings, bookmarks and more.
See the range at Divine Mercy Publications: < Click here >
Bosnia-Hercegovina Childrens' Fund
In September 1991 Fr. Jozo Zovko OFM was made Guardian and head of the Franciscan Monastery of Siroki Brijeg. He established the International God parenthood Association in December 1992.
Kathryn O’Connor was invited to meet with Fra Jozo who encouraged her to start up the “International God-Parenthood for Herceg-Bosna Child” fund in Australia as people were doing in Europe and the USA. After the meeting he took her to visit some of the displaced children and families housed in the refugee camp in Siroki Brijeg which Father had just set up and she found it extremely upsetting and had to do something about helping these people.. Once back in Australia she began the process through a lawyer of establishing and registering an Incorporated Association to administer a child sponsorship programme under the auspice of ‘International God-parenthood for Herceg-Bosnian Children’ located in Siroki Brijeg. She advised Father that it was best to change the name for Australia and NZ to “Bosnia-Hercegovina Children’s Fund Inc” as easier for people to understand here and he was happy about that.
The Bosnia Hercegovina Children’s Fund (Inc) was registered in 1993 and began forwarding the much needed monetary aid (God-parent payments) by telegraphic transfer to Fra Jozo’s office, who channelled payments into each Childs bank account, accessible by a parent or guardian only. These transactions were closely monitored by Fr Jozo’s staff at all times.
Although the war in the former Yugoslavia ended on 14 December 1995 with the Dayton Agreement, children and families struggle to survive on a daily basis, with many parents unable to find employment. Unlike Australia there are no unemployment benefits available from government agencies, forcing families to live and survive on the meagre quantity of food they grow in their fields. To this day thousands of innocent children and families still suffer both mentally and physically as a result the horrific war. Many men and women suffer dreadfully from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, in some cases they have seen suicide as only their way out! These children and families find assistance from the Families in Need Program established by Fra Jozo
We extend an invitation for you to become a God-parent and in the Croatian tradition the role of God-parent is extremely important. It encompasses love and friendship, together with spiritual and financial support.
Our executive committee members are volunteers who give freely of their time and resources. Godparent sponsorship payments’ are transferred in total monthly to each child, whilst operational costs such as administration expenses, postage, printing and monthly bank transfer fees are raised entirely from membership subscriptions and donations.
However, if you are unable to become a God-parent you may wish to consider becoming a financial member or making a much needed donation.
If you would like to help the children and families, please contact Denise Fowler by email [email protected]. Or phone +61 402 764 394.
Medjugorje and the Catholic Church
The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, with Pope Francis, has approved devotion linked to Medjugorje in a detailed article called “The Queen of Peace” Note About the Spiritual Experience Connected with Medjugorje, acknowledging the spiritual fruits from the Sanctuary of the Queen of Peace without declaring the supernatural nature of the Marian apparitions.
“The time has come to conclude a long and complex history surrounding the Medjugorje phenomena, which has generated diverse opinions among bishops, theologians, and analysts,” states the document signed by Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández and Monsignor Armando Matteo.
Pope Francis approved this Note on August 28, 2024 recognising the spiritual benefits linked to Medjugorje and authorising the faithful to embrace it, noting “many positive fruits” have been observed, with no widespread negative effects among the People of God.
Click here to see the full article from the Vatican.

Important Message from Our Lady given to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo on 2 March 2011
"Dear children; My motherly heart suffers tremendously as I look at my children who persistently put what is human before what is of God; at my children who, despite everything that surrounds them and despite all the signs that are sent to them, think that they can walk without my Son. They cannot! They are walking to eternal perdition. That is why I am gathering you, who are ready to open your heart to me, you who are ready to be apostles of my love, to help me; so that by living God's love you may be an example to those who do not know it. May fasting and prayer give you strength in that and I bless you with motherly blessing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Thank you." Our Lady was very sad. |
Important Message given to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo from Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje Message of 2 June 2011
"Dear children! As I call you to prayer for those who have not come to know the love of God, if you were to look into your hearts you would comprehend that I am speaking about many of you. With an open heart, sincerely ask yourselves if you want the living God or do you want to eliminate Him and live as you want. Look around you, my children, and see where the world is going, the world that thinks of doing everything without the Father, and which wanders in the darkness of temptation. I am offering to you the light of the Truth and the Holy Spirit. According to God's plan I am with you to help you to have my Son, His Cross and Resurrection, triumph in your hearts. As a mother, I desire and pray for your unity with my Son and His works. I am with you; you decide. Thank you." |

One of the earliest known photos of all the six Medjugorje visionaries together, taken on June 29th 1981 on top of Apparition Hill.
Left to right: Ivan Dragicevic (red stripe on jersey), Marija Pavlovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Ivanka Ivankovic, Vicka Ivankovic and Jakov Colo.
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